Legal advice

The Law Firm renders legal advice inter alia in the following areas


Court and administrative judicial proceedings cases

The Law Firm provides advisory and representation services in:

  • civil proceedings pending before common courts and the Supreme Court;
  • court and administrative judicial proceedings;
  • administrative proceedings;
  • in the course of meditation and alternative form of dispute resolution (ADR);
  • penal proceedings as a subsidiary prosecutor of the aggrieved parties;
  • execution proceedings.

If it is possible or purposeful, before initiating proceedings the Law Firm attempts to solve a dispute amicably in the course of pre-court negotiations.

doniczka - kantecki

Law of Plant Protection Products and Seed Production

Plant protection products and Seed Production are what the Law Firm is highly specialised in. These specific products are regulated in a different way than ordinary goods, which is why knowledge and experience in this narrow field of law are of such importance to Clients. Examples of legal services provided in this field:

  • preparation of legal opinions in the scope of plant protection products and seed production;
  • representation of holders of authorisations for marketing in actions aiming at removing couterfeit plant protection products or seeds from the market;
  • representation before the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and the bodies of the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection;
  • advisory connected with registration, labels and advertising of plant protection products or seeds;
  • preparation of legal documentation necessary for the cooperation of companies in the scope of production, packaging and subsequent distribution of plant protection products or  seeds.
blok - kantecki

Company Law

The Law Firm provides assistance to companies with Polish and foreign capital in cases regarding (inter alia):

  • establishment of companies, branch offices and agencies;
  • disputes among shareholders;
  • ongoing corporate service;
  • legal service of companies’ governing bodies;
  • liquidation of entities conducting economic activity;
  • representation of shareholders during general meetings;
  • representation of companies in registration procedures.
blok - kantecki

Mergers & Acquisitions

This area covers advisory and legal assistance in cases related to (inter alia):

  • sale and purchase of company shares;
  • sale and purchase of enterprises;
  • due diligence;
  • joint venture agreements and partnership agreements;
  • merger, division and transformation of companies.
teczka - kantecki

Labour Law

The Law Firm provides legal advisory services in the scope of:

  • termination of the employment relationship;
  • representation before labour courts of all instances;
  • preparation of individual contracts of employment, cooperation agreements, management contracts, non-competition agreements, good employment practice, etc.;
  • preparation of employment documentation, including inter alia work and remuneration regulations;
  • legalisation of work and stay of foreigners employed in Poland.
fabryka - kantecki

Restructuring and Bankruptcy Law

Legal services provided in this field include in particular:

  • preparation of bankruptcy petitions or application for the opening restructuring proceeding;
  • preparation of notifications of debts;
  • advisory at the time of selection and establishment of financial securities;
  • representation in bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings and in contacts with the authorities;
  • performance of other legal service described in Restructuring Advisor’s License Act. 
żarówka - kantecki

Intellectual Property Rights and Personal Data

The Law Firm provides services aimed at protection of Clients’ copyright, trade secrets and processing of personal data, including:

  • preparation of economic copyright assignment agreements and licence agreements;
  • representation of the authorised parties in negotiations and disputes connected with violation of intellectual and industrial property rights;
  • protection of personal rights, including pursing claims by judicial process for indemnification in the form of correction, apologies or damages;
  • auditing intellectual and industrial property rights;
  • trademark registration;
  • advisory connected with personal data protection, including preparation of internal principles of processing personal data.
waga - kantecki

Pharmaceutical law

Our  firm provides legal  services to domestic and foreign entities operating in all areas of the pharmaceutical sector and across the whole healthcare market. The scope of such services is as follows:

  • legal  support in all issues related to the preparation, conduct and termination of clinical trials of medicinal products and medical devices;
  • legal advice on the launch of medicinal products on the market, registration and post-registration changes to medicines, notifications and notifications regarding medical devices;
  • manufacture and import of medicines and medical devices, including parallel imports;
  • wholesale trade in medicines and medical devices;
  • retail trade in medicines and medical devices, in particular support in the creation and ongoing operation of pharmacies and pharmacy chains;
  • advertising and promotion of medicines and medical devices.
dłonie - kantecki

Commercial Contracts

The Law Firm advises in all cases connected with conclusion, termination and performance of civil-law agreements, both on the domestic and foreign level, including in particular:

  • preparation, negotiation of and issuance of opinions on civil-law agreements, in particular of business nature;
  • advisory in the course of the performance of civil-law agreements;
  • assistance in the scope of verification of and pursing claims arising at the time of the performance of civil-law agreements;
  • recommendation of guarantees of performance of civil-law agreements.

Family and Inheritance Law

The Law Firm provides legal assistance in the scope of the Family and Inheritance Law. The cases we deal with relate in particular to:

  • divorce proceedings and proceedings related to establishment of parental rights;
  • distribution of joint property after a divorce;
  • ascertainment of acquisition of the estate under the act or the last will;
  • distribution of the estate, settlement of estate debt;
  • pursuing claims for legitim.
dłonie - kantecki

Real Estate

In this area the Law Firm provides services in connection with:

  • formal and legal preparation of building investments;
  • preparation of and issuance of opinions on agreements related to ownership changes in properties, for example development agreements;
  • advisory at the time of conclusion of tenancy or lease agreements;
  • filing complaints about perpetual usufruct;
  • real property positive prescription proceedings;
  • filing complaints about unfavourable administrative decisions, for instance related to rejection of zoning conditions issuance.

The Law Firm provides services in the following forms:

  • ongoing legal advisory;
  • appearance before offices and courts as a proxy;
  • providing legal advice and consultations;
  • issuing legal opinions;
  • participation in negotiations;
  • running trainings.